Thursday, November 3, 2011

GLax cleans up at the Renie Race

 For parents weekend, our GLaxers (and a few parents!) ran the 5K Renie Race.  Sponsored by the Goucher Athletics Department, the race is a tribute to Corene “Renie” Amoss ’93, a three-sport athlete and honors student who majored in economics and management before she died in an automobile accident in 1993. 

This year, Hannah "Brownie" Brown had the fastest time for her age group.  Her mom, Ms. Greenwood, also won HER age group, and is shown below posing with the Gopher after winning her prize.  Way to go, Brownie and Ms. Greenwood! 

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Goucher Athletics Dodgeball Tourny

This past Sunday, the entire Goucher Athletic department participated in a dodgeball tournament.  Each of the sports teams divided into teams of 6.  Each team came up with their own team name and uniform. 

Our team name?  Scared Hitless! 
Our uniform?  GLax pinnies and colorful shorts, of course!

It turned out our dodgeball skills weren't quite as good as our lacrosse skills.  But at least Coach Katie and Emily's team made it to the Semi-Finals!  And we all enjoyed the ice cream sundaes at the end of the tournament. 

Thursday, August 25, 2011

Mary and Hannah K. spend summer laxin' it up in Europe!

Senior Mary and junior Hannah K. spent their summer traveling Europe and tearing up the lacrosse field, while also earning Goucher class credits at the same time!!!!  

Mary and Hannah teamed up with other American college lacrosse players, and they played in tournaments in Amsterdam, Prague, Berlin, and Budapest!

Mary and Hannah celebrate after their team wins the Amsterdam Lowlands Tournament.  They are pictured with summertime-teammate Ally, who plays for our conference rival Susquehanna.  Way to represent the Landmark Conference, ladies!  

Hannah and Mary posed for this picture in their rain jackets in Budapest, Hungary on a bridge crossing over the Danube river.

The GLaxers also traveled to beautiful Prague.  Here they are on the famous Charles Bridge, and there's the Prague Castle in the background!  

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Goucher Celebrates Athletes at Awards Banquet

 At the end of every school year, Goucher recognizes the achievements of our athletes with a banquet dinner.  Our GLax girls were honored for their excellence on and off the field. 

Here are just a few of the awards our girls received:

Colleen, Sara, Becca, Hannah K, Ashley, and Tex were all named All-Conference.

Mary was inducted into the Chi Alpha Sigma society, a national honor society for collegiate athletes.

Sara won the Josephine E. Fiske Gopher Pride Award for her sportsmanship, citizenship, positive attitude, leadership, and service. 

 And of course, our four wonderful seniors were recognized for their dedication to our program over the last four years.  Zimm, Sara, MC, and Sheils, you will be greatly missed! 

Monday, May 2, 2011

Goucher Lacrosse Celebrates Alumnae Weekend

Goucher Lacrosse welcomed our alumnae back to campus this past weekend. 

We had a tailgate on the hill to support the men's lacrosse team in their 8-7 triumph over Drew University. But of course the hi-light of the day was our annual Alumnae Game, where odd graduation years competed against even graduation years.

We are so proud of all our alums--all the great things they accomplished during their time here at Goucher, and all the great things they are doing out in the real world.  Thank you, Alums, for laying such a solid foundation for our program. 

Friday, April 29, 2011

Goucher Celebrates Senior Day in Resounding Fashion

GLax celebrated senior day on Wednesday with a resounding 21-2 victory over West Virginia Wesleyan.

 We honored Colleen, Seila, Sara and Zimm with a short ceremony before the game. 
Teammates decorated the locker room and filled it with balloons. 

We are incredibly proud of our seniors and all they have accomplished here at Goucher, both on and off the field.  We are sad to see them go, but we know they will go on to accomplish great things! 

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Check us out on Mario Lopez's show EXTRA

Check out G-Laxers on tomorrow's airing of EXTRA--Mario Lopez's entertainment news show!

When we were at the Grove in L.A., a few Goucher Lacrosse girls were filmed behind Mario Lopez as he introduced segments for his entertainment news show. 

Here you can see Brownie, Frac, Erin, Sheila and managers Trae and Leeroy next to Mario in the purple shirt.
Way to go, Ashley, for wearing your Goucher Lacrosse t-shirt on air! 

Our star-studded trainer, Josh, was even selected for his own personal segment with Mario. 
Mario gave Josh an EXTRA hat, and the two are seen shaking hands. 

Be sure to catch Goucher Lacrosse on National TV! 
(Check out the EXTRA website to find out the viewing time in your area.)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

GLax Spring Break in L.A.

 Here's a recap of our week in Hollywood!

 The Hollywood Walk of Fame
 Strolling down Hollywood Boulevard

 A trip to the Santa Monica pier
 Hannah and Erin get cozy with a snake on the pier
 Yum....Pink Berry....

 A visit with the peacocks at the L.A. Arboretum

We celebrate Ashley, Frac, and Grandma Pollock's birthday in the Hollywood Hills
 The view from Hannah Khin's grandmother's house
 There's Ice T's house!!

A stop at the Rose Bowl

And after two big wins and a long flight home.....
we return to Goucher to ring the Victory Bell! 

Sunday, March 13, 2011

Day 2 In L.A.: Hike through the Hollywood Hills

After another quality practice in the morning, the Gophers took a hike through the Hollywood Hills.

The team poses halfway through the hike.  (Look for the Hollywood sign to the left of our manager Trae's head!)

Seniors smile from a top the hill.  

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Gophers Go To Hollywood!!!

G-Lax leaves tomorrow morning for a week of spring training in the Los Angeles sunshine. 

Keep checking our blog to follow our California adventures!

Monday, March 7, 2011

Ashley and Hannah K. Named Landmark Players of the Week

Way to go, G Laxers for being named Landmark Conference Players of the Week!

Last week, our very own Ashley Shaner was named Defensive Player of the Week after two stellar preformances between the pipes.  She made 14 saves to help us defeat Virginia Wesleyan.  She also notched a career high 17 saves against York.

This week, midfielder Hannah Khin was named Offensive Player of the Week.  She was "an all-around force," scoring 15 goals in three games, adding 3 assists, grabbing 13 ground balls, and 4 caused turnovers.  Wow! 

Not only was she a stud on the lacrosse field, but Hannah was also featured in an art show on campus.   Here she is standing in front of her untitled solar-plate print. 

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

G-Lax Scavenger Hunt

The G-Lax Ladies spent last Saturday expecting to go on an epic long run with their coaches.  Little did they know that there coaches had something else in mind!

Instead of a long run, the ladies were surprised with a Scavenger Hunt.  They were split into three teams, given a list of clues, and had to take pictures of team members in front of historic Baltimore landmarks. 

Clues included:  The Baltimore Zoo.  The Washington Monument.  Babe Ruth's birth place.  The Inner Harbor and the National Acquarium.  America's first cathedral.  Edgar Allan Poe's grave. 

Here, Team 2 is shown posing on Loyola's game field.  (Teams had to visit all 5 local colleges which have women's lacrosse to get a total of 10 points.) 

Friday, February 11, 2011

G-Lax Across the Globe

As the first college in the country to require all students to study abroad, Goucher lacrosse players get to study across the globe....

Sheila chose a three-week intensive course to Japan.  She took this picture of Kinkaku-Ju, a Buddhist temple in Kyoto, which happenes to be covered in pure gold leaf!

Melissa, or "Zimm" to her teammates, lived in Florence, Italy for her semester.  "I traveled up and down the Italian coast, swam in grottos and went cliff driving. I was able to visit the Vatican as well as learn the fine art of Italian cooking in a eight week cooking course. Certainly the most amazing experience I have had yet!!

Sara spent her winter break in Ghana, studying the history of West Africa and Drum & Dance.  Here she is weaving Kente cloth in the village of Kpetoe. 

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

GLax Starts 2011 Spring Season with Fitness Testing

G-Laxers returned to campus last week and officially started their 2011 campagin on Sunday with their favorite fitness test:  the Gauntlet.  Because snow covered the campus and the track, the team ran the Gauntlet indoors on treadmills and stationary bikes.

The G-Lax Gauntlet includes:
1 mile
.5 mile
400 meters
200 meters
100 meters
*a 2:00 minute break in between each distance

Overall, the team improved their times significantly.  On their mile times alone, GLax ran 2 minutes 46 seconds faster!!

The most improved runner goes to Hannah "Kiki" Khin, who dropped 58 seconds off  her previous mile time!  (Maybe that's why she looks so excited in the picture above?!) 

Rookie Erin "Texas" Reifsnyder reps her home state as she zips a 6:42 mile.