Monday, March 7, 2011

Ashley and Hannah K. Named Landmark Players of the Week

Way to go, G Laxers for being named Landmark Conference Players of the Week!

Last week, our very own Ashley Shaner was named Defensive Player of the Week after two stellar preformances between the pipes.  She made 14 saves to help us defeat Virginia Wesleyan.  She also notched a career high 17 saves against York.

This week, midfielder Hannah Khin was named Offensive Player of the Week.  She was "an all-around force," scoring 15 goals in three games, adding 3 assists, grabbing 13 ground balls, and 4 caused turnovers.  Wow! 

Not only was she a stud on the lacrosse field, but Hannah was also featured in an art show on campus.   Here she is standing in front of her untitled solar-plate print. 

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