Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Check us out on Mario Lopez's show EXTRA

Check out G-Laxers on tomorrow's airing of EXTRA--Mario Lopez's entertainment news show!

When we were at the Grove in L.A., a few Goucher Lacrosse girls were filmed behind Mario Lopez as he introduced segments for his entertainment news show. 

Here you can see Brownie, Frac, Erin, Sheila and managers Trae and Leeroy next to Mario in the purple shirt.
Way to go, Ashley, for wearing your Goucher Lacrosse t-shirt on air! 

Our star-studded trainer, Josh, was even selected for his own personal segment with Mario. 
Mario gave Josh an EXTRA hat, and the two are seen shaking hands. 

Be sure to catch Goucher Lacrosse on National TV! 
(Check out the EXTRA website to find out the viewing time in your area.)

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